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Parent Volunteers: The Show's Backbone

MAD Drama students excel when parents are directly involved!

Box Office
We need assistance selling show tickets at performances.

Basic tasks:

1. Assist with set up of the Box Office and the sales of tickets at performances

2. Assist with the breakdown and storage of the Box Office and the accounting and reconciliation of the ticket sales

Patron Tickets
We run a Patron program whereby community members can donate to the department and receive complimentary tickets.
Basic tasks:
1) Coordinate sales, distribution and activation of Patron tickets.

Rehearsal/Performance Food
We collect a voluntary donation from everyone working on the show to cover the cost of food. Suggested company donation is $20. There is a menu set by the parents. Then we get volunteers to purchase and set up food.
Basic tasks:
1) Parent(s) willing to provide food purchased under a Madison Drama Purchase Order and be reimbursed at the end of the production. 2) Parent(s) to be there for set up, clean up per performance, one parent to stay during meal. 3) Carrots and fruit are very popular; water bottles 3 cases per performance.
4) Monday and Tuesday dress rehearsals – full cast and crew.
5) Wednesday – smaller meal – if any; Thursday, Friday at performance call – 5:00PM; Saturday – light lunch and meal between performances.

The Cappies are a review and awards recognition program.
Basic tasks:
1) Mr. Henderson picks the show (one per year) and performance giving Cappies three choices of which performance they would like to review. 2) Attend Cappies meeting(s) prior to show (often at the Leis Center). 3) Reserve meeting room: cafeteria. 4) Reserve date for Cappie show – one per season – alternate fall and spring. 5) Prepare paperwork for reviewers. 6) Provide purchase order food and purchase ordered decorations for the cafeteria. 7) Have students direct Cappies guests to the cafeteria. 8) Clean up cafeteria during Act 2 after intermission and again after voting (end of show). 9) Voting by Cappies done in May.
10) A certain amounts of tickets are given to the department for the Kennedy Center Gala. Tickets must be picked up and distributed.
11) Reviewers must be reminded to get articles in to Connection and Warhawk papers.

Spring Trip
Each year cast/crew and classroom students take a spring trip -- usually NYC -- but other locations are possible.
Basic tasks:
1) Coordinate with Mr. Henderson to decide date.
2) Coordinate with Mr. Henderson for show and classroom lists (eligible students).
3) Get approval from Madison Administration; you must have 3 estimates turned into Activities for review ; this then goes to the Principal;  then to the County Risk Management Office.
4) Meet with parents (information meeting)
5) Send out: Information sheet; Application including school field trip permission forms
6) Contact security guard
7) Collect $ and recruit Chaperones
8) Send reminder emails for due date


MAD Drama sells flowers before and during a show that are sent backstage to actors, techs and band member as a fund raiser.
Basic tasks:
1) Purchase flowers from Cosco (purchase order); 10 dozen for opening night, 6 dozen for all other shows.
2) Make 2 different color cards for notes use design related to show – program designer can provide.
3) Attach ribbon to note cards; at least 500; delegate to two parents.
4) Bring 7 Sharpies (black); attach long ribbons to them to help prevent them being taken.
5) Set up 7 buckets; divide alphabetically A – D; count the number of students involved and divide alphabet by number of actors to fit in 5 buckets; have 1 Tech and 1 Band (for musicals).
6) Get flower runners from HOUSE MANAGEMENT for each show.
7) Make signs; one with theme of show for over the table.

MAD Drama provides (with suggested donations) cookies, drinks, etc. before and during a show that are used as fund raisers.
Basic tasks:
1) Email parents to donate baked goods.
2) Provide 2 dozen baked goods per performance (can be store bought cookies (purchase order) or students can bring them in too).
3) 18 Dozen per show Thursday night and Saturday afternoon.
4) 22 dozen Friday and Saturday evenings.
5) Can be brought the night of performance and delivered to Black Box or brought in by students during the day or at call.
6) Also purchase (with purchase order):
Napkins - about 2000 per show.
Cups - from Cosco – 700 per performance.
Punch: 3 liter Ginger ale from Shoppers; 4 per performance (16 total)
Sherbet; 2 per performance; store in freezer at concession stand for gym.
Table cloths; 2 per performance.
7) Wash 2 punch bowls prior and every show and cookie trays.
8) Place donations baskets; 2, one at each end of table.
9) Parent to provide guidance for set up during first act of performance.

International Thespian Honor Society
This is the Drama Honor Society.
Basic tasks:
1) Elected officers run the Society.
2) They may require assistance with:
Coordinating/planning the Induction Ceremony.
Keeping track of student points (activities/duties).
Monetary handling and record keeping.
Department/Troupe publicity.
Activity coordination.

Back to School Night
Each year, the school runs a back to school night in which the Drama Department needs representation.
Basic tasks:
1) Help Mr. Henderson set up this event.
2) Get parents to sign up as patrons and get new parent support.
3) Flyers need to be available to send home with parents.
4) Coordinating having students representing the Department in the Black Box and the Club display areas.

End of Year Banquet
In June Mr. Henderson and the students go to PJ Skidoos for dinner, awards and dancing.
Basic tasks:
1) Coordinate with Mr. Henderson who is eligible: cast/crew/classes.
2) Coordinate dates, payments and reservations with PJ Skidoos.
3) Collect checks.

Thank You's
We try to thank as many people as possible!
Basic tasks:
1) Purchase (on a purchase order) flowers for seniors in the production, cast/crew.
2) Seniors are acknowledged at both the fall and spring shows with a rose and small note attached. Thanking them for their participation in the department.
3) Director: Thank you gift director donations collected from cast and crew.
Musicals: Band director thank you's, also Vocal Director and Choreographer.
Help coordinate thank you's in the programs.
6) Assistance with any other special thank you's.

Build Crew Choregoi
We build a lot of our sets on Saturday mornings from about 9am until 3pm. We need parents at Madison to help coordinate set building teams.
Basic tasks:
1) Coordinates having another adults to keep thing moving on Tech Saturdays.
2) Run to the store and purchase things on a Purchase Order, help students when questions arise.
3) You do not have to be a construction expert.

We need a parent to assist in creating the programs - mostly helping coordinate ads and ad sales.
Basic tasks:
1) Help collect cast/crew biographies.
2) Collect ad money. Verify ad inclusions, accuracy.
3) Ordering and pickup of prints.
4) Working with HOUSE MANAGEMENT in distributing programs.

Publicity Coordinator
We need help promoting our shows.
Basic tasks:
1) Assist students getting events advertised on the Madison Main Page Activities Calendar.
2) Track/announce important upcoming dates and daily announcements.
3) Calls/ emails to drama parents regarding pot lucks, etc.
4) Other creative connections / activities as needed.
5) Work with Thespian Publicity Officer to promote Troupe activities.

Fund Raisers
We need a parent to help coordinate fund raising activities.
Basic tasks:
1) Assist students as needed.
2) One Suggestion – have a dance for parents.
3) Work with Publicity Officer plan early in the year.

Field Trips
There are many theaters in the area that provide speakers to come in the school to discuss many aspects of theater. There can also be back stage tours and other workshops. We need a coordinator to research possible activities and help plan events with Mr. Henderson. Especially plan some for the Tech Students.

VHSL Competitive Play
Each year, Madison enters a play in the VHSL One-Act play competition.
Basic tasks:
1) Coordinate with Mr. Henderson on logistics.
2) Help fill out forms, answer emails.
3) Go with Mr. Henderson and the students to the competitions.

Copyright MAD Drama, James Madison HS, Vienna, VA

James Madison High School     2500 James Madison Dr.     Vienna, VA   22181      703-319-2300

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